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Mockup - The Instructional Video Playbook-1

What does it take to create a truly compelling instructional video?

Video is one of the most effective ways to improve the learning experience — when it’s done well. How do you make a video that will engage and educate?

The Instructional Video Playbook has the information you need to create a dynamic learning video — the research as well as the best practices behind great educational content.

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What will you find in The Instructional
Video Playbook?


explainer and trainer

The Science Behind Successful Video

Video’s value is evident, but what makes video the most effective method to convey information? Why does it improve retention and aid in processing? How does cognitive science support the theory that video helps viewers learn more, faster than any other medium?

studio prod

The Strategy Behind Successful Video

Video creation is easier now than ever before — anyone with a smartphone can make a video. How do you ensure that your video will stand out from the masses, educating and engaging your audience at the same time? We’ve got the tips you need to create a successful learning video.

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How to Make Your Videos More Engaging

While video is generally more interesting than text to just about any audience, if you don’t use certain best practices, you’ll lose your audience’s attention in no time. Without their attention, it’s impossible to educate them! What’s required to capture your audience?

Did you know?

Visual data is processed 60,000 times faster than textual data by your brain.

Download our free e-book to add our playbook to your educational arsenal today. 

In this guide, we cover the most effective ways to engage and educate.